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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Festivus!

This post may be a long one. I finally found some time to update this blog. The holidays have just been flying by. I had wanted to go out of town this holidays but that didn't happen. That is okay as I have spent time with family and friends. Who couldn't ask for a better Christmas than that? So here are the updates in no particular order:


Postcrossing is humming right along. (I have to throw a plug in again. Visit 8 have been sent to other countries and registered and I have recieved 3. 5 are in transit right now. I want to give a big shout out to the people that have been visting my blog that are postcrossing members. Thank you. 
I find though sometimes I'm in a rush sending out the postcards. I end up slapping together a postcard as fast as possible just to fire it out. I want to be more creative with my cards. Maybe that can be a New Years Resolution.


I couldn't ask for a better holiday! I have good health and so does my family. That alone means a lot. And the holidays just flew by. I got a GPS for Christmas. The first use of it:  Finding a Burger King in Orillia. Classic all the way. And it happened to be the Whopper Wednesday! Another Festivus miracle! Which leads me into my next entry 

If anyone knows me they will know one thing : I love Seinfeld! So I was updating my Facebook account and I did not want to be the guy with the generic holdiay greetings like everyone else. So I was thinking of what to say and it came to me: Festivus! So happy Festivus everyone! And what are my Festivus miracles? I have a GPS, (Miracle!) a cell phone finally (Miracle again!) and I guess that is all for the Festivus miracles for now. Oh wait - I won $450 on a hand of Missisipi Stud at a casino (Miracle!) Unfortunately Festivus came and went before I could celebrate it (Dec 23) but in spirit I have been celebrating it all this week.

Leisure Time:

I have been off this week  so I have some leisure time in my life. Bascially I'm still on the Left 4 Dead grind (I'm playing LFD 1 and 2) and I had downloaded the X-Men arcade game through X-Box live. My buddy and I beat it in one sitting right away though. It was still good for a trip down memory lane.
I watched the new Tron Legacy and True Grit at the cinema. And I plan on watching the original Tron at home again. It has been a long time since I seen the original . I was happy with the new Tron Legacy. They didn't cater to today's attention deficient society and avoiding cramming it with non-stop action and explosions. As I stepped out of the cinema commenting on that my buddy said that was his complaint about the movie - too much back story and not enough action. Go fiqure.

So much for a huge blog entry. I'm sitting in a coffee house ( the only one because I don't count Tim Hortons) and I'm trying to journal, blog and surf the net. Classic. Somehow the blogging and journalling got lost in the shuffle.

Alright. Happy Festivus! Happy Postcrossing!