Sorry that I have not posted in a while. What can I report on? Here goes:
1) Movies to review: "Vacany" is an awful movie and "The American" is alright but slow.*
2) Chipped teeth: I have bad teeth. No need to dance around it. The dentist is repairing two teeth again this afternoon for the at least the tenth time in 6 years or so.
3) Mail art: I'm backed up as ususal. Hopefully this weekend I can catch up.
4) Exercise: I'm still on the grind. My arm is bruised from Kali (stick fighting). Nothing like some stick on arm grinding action to make you feel alive (or to just leave a bruise on your arm).
5) Weather: Each day it is +25 C out. No complaints there. This is rare where I live.
6) Other hobbies: Feel like playing Left 4 Dead 2 but never get around to it. C'mon , Coach climb those stairs. Ha!
7) Fun fact: My favorite song right now is Colorless Color by La Roux. Check it out on youtube.
* Sorry to the person that I watched this movie with. I know I agreed to rent it on your recommendation but I can not endorse this as a watchable movie. "The American" was my choice as a rental and that was the best I could do with 5 minutes to rent a movie at Blockbuster before I had to be somewhere else.