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Friday, February 24, 2012

Too much mail!

I was gone one week to see my favorite gal and I came back to this :

I love mail! Honestly though- I don't even know where to begin with this pile. I have at least twenty pieces of mail to sort through and respond to.  Classic. I have to keep this post short cause I'm going to my best friends house to watch my favorite show which is  :

I almost love this show as much as I love Seinfeld. Check it out.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm currently on vacation so I'm sorry for the delay on my blog posting. And I'm sure my mail is piling up at home. But I'm having a good time on vacation and that's what counts! I could tell you stories after stories but I will take the weekend when I'm back home to get everyone up to date. In the meantime here is a picture of me completing my first ever out of province half marathon in Regin, SK :

I had a sub-par time (I don't even feel like posting it) but I enjoyed the last 6km because a gentleman named Glen kept me company. So thank you Glen! You made the last leg of the race bearable, because at the 9km mark I was finished mentally and didn't know if I could finish.

And I must give a thanks to my favorite gal who was my navigator and did all the driving and took all the pictures on my trip.
