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Friday, June 3, 2011

I Hate To Do This But.....................

Please avoid this movie!

      I must not disappoint my blog followers so I feel it is my duty to review the Hangover 2 on here. I also have another reason to review this, which is to can make sure others do have to suffer through this mess of a movie. I do not know where to even begin with this one. 
     Just stay away if possible. I was yawning and looking at my watch half the time. It is a darker movie with not a lot of laughs. Remember in the first movie when the characters had a wild time and then it replayed back for the audience. Well there is a wild time in this movie but they don't show the audience the wild time. You get bits and pieces in little ten second flashbacks while you spend most of the movie watching them walk around a city in Thailand. It is sad when the photo montage at the end credits got more laughs then the rest of the movie.
      Spoiler Alert: Mike Tyson being in the movie at the end did not add a thing to the movie. I think the audience half groaned. Well I did anyways. I'm just rambling here. A big disappointment. A feel I let my friends down once again.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good News/Bad News

Lets play good news and bad news.

Bad News:

There may be a Canada Post postal strike as of midnight June 3 2011. I will keep you posted. Nooooo!

Good News:

It is like 30 degrees C outside and sunny. Yessss!
