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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Battle: LA!

This review I found online sums it up better than I could have ever thought of. Enjoy!

Scene: A Hollywood boardroom. A dozen large marines stuff themselves into plush leather chairs, facing their angry, bald staff sergeant.
Sergeant: All right men, we're here to make a movie about some aliens. That's right: little, green men from Mars with googly eyes, tentacles, dripping slime from every orifice. Now, the boys at HQ tell me they can't afford to show all this gooey alien stuff. So, what we gonna do?
Corporal: Sir, yes sir. How about we cover the aliens in battle armour, sir?
Sergeant: Excellent! Computers love drawing battle armour. Now, this isn't going to be one of your namby, pamby, Jodie Foster or Carl Sagan, reach out and hold hands, alien hippie love-fest kind of film. This is an action thriller. We're talking combat. I want Black Hawk Down meets District 9.
Sergeant, cont'd: Now, we need a good range of cannon fodder to offer up to the audience. I'm looking for clichéd, yet heart warming characters who will compromise the soldiers heading off to fight this alien threat. Suggestions?
Corporal: How about a lieutenant, fresh out of officer training school, sir?
Sergeant: Good start. And?
Corporal: He kisses his pregnant wife goodbye as he heads off to work.
Sergeant: Classic. Tragic. I like it. What else?
Corporal: A geek who wears ugly glasses -- we'll call him Specs. He's about to be married.
Sergeant: Promising. I need more, gentlemen. This is two-hour film. There's gonna to be a high body count.

Aaron Eckhart portrays a weary veteran marine in Battle: Los Angeles. (Richard Cartwright/Sony Pictures)
Corporal: Um, a nervous, young virgin, straight from Kansas. A shell-shocked Iraq War vet. A cocky bruiser from Brooklyn.
Sergeant: What about diversity? Come on, men, this is 2011.
Corporal: Sir, it's been six months since Michelle Rodriguez played a tough girl in a film.
Sergeant: Sounds like our new intelligence officer.
Corporal: Sir, how about a doctor? One who came to the U.S. from Nigeria for get medical training. We'll call him ... Doc!
Sergeant: Good enough. Now, we need one recognizable Hollywood star -- a weary, Harrison Ford-type, but at one-quarter his salary.
Corporal: Sir, what about Aaron Eckhart? He's rugged and the right age. Played Two-Face.
Sergeant: Excellent work, corporal. We'll make Eckhard the tired veteran, looking to finish his tour with a couple of weeks of easy state-side training.
A Marine platoon faces off against an alien invasion in Battle: Los Angeles. (Sony Pictures)
Sergeant, cont'd: Now, listen up people! The CGI geeks blew most of the budget making those pretty mushroom clouds we littered the trailers with. So although this is an alien invasion, we're going to shoot most of it on the streets. Our director is a horror guy and should be good for lots of spooky sounds and suspense. We'll get War of the Worlds, but without the distracting poignancy and meaningful subtext.
Sergeant, cont'd: Now, get me some wall-to-wall music. I want hand-held cameras shot and enough editing to induce seizures. When we're through, we'll make Michael Bay look like a God damn Communist. Now let's go show E.T. what marines are made of. Oo-rah!
Rating: two-and-a-half flaming fireballs out of five

Thursday, March 10, 2011

And you thought I loved mail!

I love browsing postcrossing acounts and so do other people (see second quote below). So here is a postcrossers profile that I just had to copy and paste here. Here it is :

Hello Mail Lovers! I believe in the power of recieving mail. I have a postmark tattooed with my birthday information on my arm, thats how much I love mail. I love being unique, creative, crazy.. all sorts of things. The stranger and kitschier something is, the more I love it. Include a phrase in your own language! I love to learn.

And I thought I love mail and postcrossing. No offense to the above postcrosser from the U.S.A but there will be no mail tattoos inked on me or any tattoos inked on me in general. I will save that for a later rant.

Now here is a message that someone send me on postcrossing :
"Hi Rob!
 Let me tell you, your profile gave me a good laugh.

Now this is the second person to tell me that. Classic all the way!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Send Mail!

I want to start a project like So first I need to receive some mail. Send anything you want to:

Dept of Rab
70C Mountjoy St. N., Suite 126
Timmins  ON
P4N 4V7

I accept all mail without judgement. And eventually the mail will be posted to my "real wall" and then my blog. The first lucky one to mail me something will receive a race bib (from one of my races) converted back into a postcard. Everyone else will receive a postcard or mail art for their troubles.

Yours in postcrossing,
