I finally hooked up my X-Box 360 back up to X-Box LIVE last Sunday. And even though I used my X-Box for a year without playing online I still felt something was missing. I will use the analogy that my friend once told me. He said "Rob: owning a computer without having the internet is like owning a car without an engine". That can be applied to X-Box LIVE also.
So I guess I caught up for lost time because somehow I managed to play online all afternoon and all evening. I only took a break to eat dinner and watch two episodes of the Simpsons (FYI this is not how I spend my typical weekends and free time).
So what was I playing? I was playing my most favorite game: Left 4 Dead 2. And to qoute someone else: "killing zombies is inherently fun". This is true. The game changes each time with the layout of zombies so it is like playing a different game each time.
So far I have been playing Scavenge online. In this scenario you have to grab as many "gas cans" as you can and fill the generator before the infected (zombies) stop you. It is hilarious playing as the infected and stopping the other online players from filling the generators.
I have many tricks of the trade I have learned. I like to hide close to the generators and then when someone is about to fill up I use the special infected's ability on them. So if I'm a smoker I grab them with the tongue and drag them away. Spitting acid on the them and them having the dropped gas can catch on fire is hilarious also. My fave is when the player gets knocked down and is helpless and you also set a bunch of cans on fire. The player is literally "cooked". Ha.Ha.
I also like to catch characters that are isolated and alone. Once you snag them it is lights out for them. And if I'm not concentrating on protecting the generator I will focus on the characters that are limping, weak etc. And finally if I'm the boomer I like dropping puke on someone that is already struggling against the infected.
The computer chooses randomly which infected you play so you hope you get a one when you need it. The only one I don't like playing is the boomer. The boomers ability is to spit puke which calls out infected to attack the character. The boomer is okay but he is like a one hit wonder. You are most likely able to only puke once and then the players blow you up. And for getting characters to drop gas cans this character has no ability to do that. (aside from a weak swipe attack)
I dont mind playing as a human character but it sucks when you get stuck with players that don't know what they are doing. It is annoying when everyone runs off in different directions and no one covers each other. That is a recipe for disaster because that lets you get picked off by special infected. Another peeve is when they stockpile gas cans as they are running around the level. I know it saves some time but if you leave too many gas cans beside each other it is easy for a spitter to spit on them and cause them all to catch on fire.
I guess I am a "gas hog" because I mainly grab gas cans and rush fast to fill the generator. I know I should protect other characters but I get greedy I guess.
When I first fired up X-box live I was also annoyed because for the first bit I was constantly being voted out of games. I may have been a tad rusty but I don't think I'm that bad of player. Thankfully I do not get voted out anymore.
And I got worried when I seen the dreaded "red ring of death" . My XBOX was flashing with the red lights and the screen said some system error and stuff. I thought I was cooked but I reset it and it works fine now. I did not think that was possible. I thought once you see red that is it.
My buddy says to unload it because that also happened to his friend and 3 weeks later it was fried. I also took some zings on facebook. I metioned the red ring of death and my buddy said it was from overuse. Zing!