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Saturday, January 14, 2012

-30 Celsius

So it is super cold outside and it is the weekend so a Saturday afternoon is perfect to catch up on some mail art. Here is some highlights of what I'm working on: 

This card was purchased at a Trading Post in Temagami (which is a few hours from where I live).  I love vintage postcards and I hope that the person in China (postcrossing) also likes it. Temagami is a small town of less than 1000 people.The trading post is located next to the gas station and restaurant located on the highway between two larger cities. So I got a comical laugh when the employee at the trading post asked me if I was just passing through.  Isn't everyone?

This card is from the Netherlands.   Zet 'm op! = come one.  If you flip this over you get :

Jammer = Come on! Thank you Regina for this card!

I am sending this to Poland (postcrossing) because the user requested a vintage and/or city card. I bought this card in Toronto. It is also one of my favorites.

This card came was sent to the Kate and Rob postcrossing account. I think it is neat. Thank you Tanya from Belarus.

And this card is going to Belarus (postcrossing). She doesn't like tourist cards so I send her a homemade one. She also loves Big Bang Theory (who doesn't).  So I wrote Bazinga on the back. Ha.

Okay so this is it for now. Take care everyone!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I stumbled across this blog by fluke. Here it is : I think it is a neat idea.
