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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sucker Punch Blues (Alternative Title: Avoid this Movie!)

So I made a fatal mistake and went to see the movie Sucker Punch. I read the reviews and they were so-so. And yes I'm a guy so I thought seeing some women kick butt in a fantasy setting would be okay.

So where do I even begin? My friends wanted to leave after the first ten minutes but we kept hoping it would get better (it didn't). We toughed it out as long as we could humanly remain and still had 45m to go. We bailed at that marker. I think we left halfway. I can't even remember the last time I bailed on a movie at the cinema. Usually I hang in there.

So what is wrong with girls kicking butt and fantasy genres? (steam-punk, samuri, matrix etc) I'm glad you asked that cruical question. Let me answer it for you. I will just make a list:

1) Zero character development
2) Silly plot line, a story line and background that you could care less about
3) Action scenes that made no sense and copied from every other movie that we have seen before (Lord of the Rings, Matrix etc)
4) Women running around with machine guns mowing down everything from orcs to dragons to nazi demons to samuri warriors all with the same technique. (Shoot, slash, jump, kick repeat and rinse)
5) It basically mashed together multiple genres (fantasy, sci fi, orcs, world war 1 and everything else under the sun into one giant incoherent mess)

If you don't want to lose 2 hours of your life please avoid this. I can't understand all the postive reviews I am reading on It doesn't make sense.

This movie is cool if you are a ten year old boy. Everyone else please avoid. And you know I'm serious because someone told me "Whoah Rob if you left the movie halfway through it has to be really bad because you like all fantasy and weird movies. You sit through anything".

And people scoffed as we left as if it was some masterpiece. Thats a classic. When I was more excited to check my postcrossing and my friend was more excited to see the Phoniex Suns on tv you know the movie is bad.

And extra insult to injury: because I picked this mess to see and dragged my friends I lost my veto rights on the next pick. Classic again


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