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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kims' Divorce!

Ha! The title was a teaser. I'm not wasting my time blogging about celebrity stuff, I leave that to It is my favorite website along with You can follow those websites if you care about pop culture.  So onto regular blog news:

1) Postcrossing : I finally have caught up on my mail. It has been a slow mail week so the postcrossing accounts (3) I manage are caught up. I'm almost at 100 for my main account and I wish to send out something nice for my 100th sent. And it is almost my one year anniversary of joining postcrossing. Yay!

2) Pen-pals: Again it has been a slow mail week so I just caught up yesterday. Double yay!

3) Entertainment news: I seen the remake of  "The Thing". I prefer the original better. The first one had suspense and you cared about the characters. The remake - not so much.

4) Modern Warfare 2: I am currently level 46. Level 70 here I come. I'm losing steam on it though and maybe I will stop playing.

5) Drawing: I somehow got it in my head to try to learn how to draw. I was so excited when I "doodled" some faces a couple of days ago. I was so excited that I was actually "drawing" something until I looked at that a few days later and realized they are bad and I'm drawing at a 4 year old level. But hey I guess you have to start somewhere.

6) Favorite person: Things are going great.

7) Books: I'm still just reading roleplaying books in my free time.

8) Sad Meter*: I'm miss New York City.


* New

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