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Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Well it is that time again. Time to spring clean and get rid of all the junk that can clutter up. So here is a rundown of the last couple of days:

1) I spent the weekend cleaning and going through junk. There was a grand total of 3 milk crates of stuff to donate, 1 garbage bag of junk and 1 recycle bin worth of papers that were no longer needed.

2) It felt good to be able to just hang out at home instead of always being on the grind and doing stuff.

3) The bird situation has got out of control. If you have been following this blog I can recap. A few months ago I put out bird seed in hopes of geting birds to come. Well flash forward 2 months and at any given time there are at least 10-20 birds feeding on the deck. It is cool to watch the birds on the deck but there is too much of a mess so I put the bird feeder at the bottom of the deck on the lawn. There are still tons of birds and I go through a lot of bird seed. I have to buy a huge bag tonight when I go home from work.
I can never get a good picture though as the birds always fly away when I step outside with the camera.

4) I watched "The Next 3 Days" yesterday. Here is where I shouldn't judge a movie by its preview and reviews. The movie wasn't mind blowing and was alright at best but the previews made it look like it was straight action- break wife out of jail and huge chase movie. Those previews were wrong. It was the complete opposite of the trailers and previews. Some of the movie was over the top but what can you do. My real beef was that the previews made it look like Liam Neelson was a main part of the movie. Wrong. He is in it for 5 minutes.

5) My mail complaint -Dear Canada Post: How is it that sometimes I can receive mail in a week from Europe but if someone mails me a letter from Thunder Bay to where I live (8 hours away) it can take a month or more? Just wondering.

6) Spam has reached my postcrossing forum inbox. I got a U2U message froma a random person who says they really love my postcrossing profile and that they would like me to send them a picture to the address (something like that) so they could get to know me better. Classic


1 comment:

  1. What are two words that you would use to describe the feeling(s) you get from de-cluttering?
