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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Challenge!

Attention loyal followers!
I will be running a half marathon in less than 5 days on Sunday June 12 2011. Here is where you fans come in. I have always said that I wish to run a race for someone or for a cause. Well here is my chance and yours!. I know this is short notice, but I am issuing a challenge to everyone out there.

What is the challenge? Email me one of the following:
  1. A name of person that has special meaning to you
  2. A name of a organization or agency that is helpful to society
  3. A name of a website or blog that is unique and should be shared.
  4. A quote or poem that is postive. (not too long as the above is going to be probably written on paper and pinned to the back of my jersey)
If someone emails me the above to my email ( or just leave the information on the comment section of this blog and if I receive it by Sat I will add it to the back of my race jersey. See you at the race! (Pics to be posted later)





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