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Sunday, June 19, 2011

I can't even make it till Tuesday!

So the mail is still on lockout (in Canada) so I cannot send or recieve mail. Sorry to my pen pals and fellow postcrossers. I'm curious to see how long this goes on. And I wonder how long it will take for the postworkers to deliver how the backlogged mail.

Since I have to no mail to talk about I will entertain you with some old school nintendo action. My buddy is crushing me in the old school game called Paper Boy 2. Now for those not familar with North American video games from the 80's Paper Boy is a game where you have to deliver "newspapers" on your route to all your customers and survive one week without losing all your subscribers or losing your all your "lives". How do you lose subscribers? If you miss their house or break their windows consider yourself out of a subscriber. And how do you lose a "life"? That's easy also: just get hit by a car or get bit by a dog. There are many ways to fail in Paper Boy. My buddy said I can't even make til Tuesday (of the delivery schedule). Ha.

Here is some action shots:

 Intro Screen

Deliver to that mailbox!

Not on my route! Time to hit him with a paper!

Noooo! Hit by car. A classic Paperboy death!

Fired??!!! Ouch!

This update should satisfy my loyal readers (and my friends) who have been zinging me and telling me to update this. And happy Fathers Day to everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Ughhhh I have an envelope to go out to you tomorrow and this makes me hesitant. But I'm still going to send it. Maybe it will be one of the first ones to arrive! I'm so naive, haha. Well, keep us updated!
