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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Operation Intel Grab

So I made a fatal mistake in my mission to update my blog with some photos of the Postal employees who are locked out by Canada Post. Little did I know that while trying to snap photographs for my loyal blog readers it would land me in some hot water.
I will explain it before I post the crucial pictures. Basically I parked across the street and crossed the street (about a block away) with camera in hand. Mistake #1. Mistake #2 was leaning on a truck across the street and taking pictures from a crouched angle. It actually looked like I had something to hide.
So as I was reviewing the pictures I had taken I seen a postal worker walking towards me. I was panic city and cut through a back way to get out of their. There was a building in between us. I come out the back and there was more postal workers heading towards me. I started to run away while they were shouting at me. Classic.
My car was abadoned there and I had to come back later for it. Thankfully nothing happened to it. The sad thing is that I'm on the employees side and believe in a decent wage and believe in having union to protect the middle class. Plus I keep them in business with my mail art and my pen pals. Why target me?

Here are the sensitive photos :

And as a bonus I took a picture of the locked out mailboxes that are throughout Canada :

Operation Intel Grab was a sucesss!

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