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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Contest Time!

Attention loyal mail fans and curious readers:  I have a postcard wall (pictured below) and it needs a name.  I'm torn. Should I call it: wall of Rab or Rob's wall? Is there something else? Decisions. Decisions. That is where you come in.

Help! I'm nameless.

I wish to have a cool name for this wall. Then I will stencil the name across the top. This "wall" will then become a regular fixture on my blog. I fiqure it is a better way to display my postcards and show them off. I'm sure it is a better way than my current system - a shoebox. (See below)

Free me!

So help me free my postcards and mail art from my shoe box by coming up with a unique name for my wall. I'm open to any suggestions. Fire off all ideas to my email : If I pick your suggestion you win a grab bag of materials for postcrossing. (See below)

Win some random materials!

Cheers and happy postcrossing!


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